全球经济一体化进程引发了两种面向的竞争,一种面向是资本和产品市场的竞争,另一种面向是公司治理模式优劣的竞争。~①世界各国愈加重视公司治理制度的改革,以确保在日益加剧的全球竞争中处于主动。这场改革的一个重要结果是引发人们对于寻找最佳公司治理模式的强烈争论,其焦点则是全球化是否会导致公司治理模式的趋同。~②对此,耶鲁大学Henry Hansmann教授和哈佛大学Reinier Kraakman教授提出了“公司法终极”的著名论断,认为英美法系的股东导向型或外部人治理模式以其效率优势,最终会战胜大陆法系的利益相关者导向型或内部人治理模式,成为全球公司治理的标准模式(standard model)。~③其他学者则认为,由于历史、政治、经济、法律及文化等
The process of global economic integration has triggered two types of competition, one oriented to the competition in the capital and product markets and the other to the competition in the merits of the corporate governance model. ~ ① The countries in the world pay more attention to the reform of the corporate governance system so as to ensure that they are active in the ever-increasing global competition. An important result of this reform is to stir up a strong debate about finding the best corporate governance model, with a focus on whether globalization leads to a convergence of corporate governance models. ~ ② In response, Professor Henry Hansmann from Yale University and Professor Reinier Kraakman from Harvard University put forward the famous “Company Law Ultimate” assertion that the shareholder-oriented or outsider governance model of Anglo-American legal system will prevail over its efficiency The stakeholder-oriented or internal governance model of civil law has become the standard model for global corporate governance. Other scholars believe that due to history, politics, economy, law and culture