酒店业巨于Steve Wynn先生在维加斯大道开了他最新、最豪华的酒店。为了实现他27亿美元的远景,拉斯维加斯的酒店业巨子Steve Wynn不惜工本为他的帝国增加一个新成员——Wymm拉斯维加斯店。这座占地530万平方英尺,高五十层,有2700间房间的酒店,四月底在维加斯大道开业,它被传称是已建成里面最昂贵的一个胜地。它占地217英亩,这个胜地特色明显,有一个假山,一个私人高尔夫球场,一个汽车经销店,一个Wynn先生的私人艺术收藏陈列室,一个以一幅帕布鲁·毕加索油画为名的水主题展示,罗列了很多艺术精粹。酒店散发着精致奢侈的气息,据酒店的创建者介绍,这与维加斯过多的陈腐的格调有很大不同。
Hotel industry giant Steve Wynn opened his newest and most luxurious hotel on Vegas Boulevard. In order to achieve his $ 2.7 billion vision, Las Vegas hotel giant Steve Wynn spared no expense to add a new member to his empire - the Wymm Las Vegas store. The 5.3-million-square-foot, 50-storey 2700-room hotel, opened on the Vegas Strip by the end of April, is said to be the most expensive resort built. Its 217-acre estate has distinct features including a rockery, a private golf course, a car dealership, a Wynn private art collection showroom, a water theme under a Pablo Picasso painting Display, lists a lot of art essence. The hotel exudes an exquisite luxury, according to the founder of the hotel, which is very different from Vegas's too old style.