
来源 :中国残疾人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xamalong
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破除手语神秘感,坚定学习信心。手语是一门视觉语言,它通过双手不同位置的变换,配合面部表情及身势动作传情达意。一些初学手语的人,往往被聋哑人双手飞舞、表情丰富的手语弄得眼花缭乱,从而产生了神秘感和畏难情绪。手语培训班办班伊始,教师应用一定的时间向学员进行破除神秘感、坚定学习信心的教育。这部分课程主要讲;聋人由于听觉障碍必须以手语代替有声语言,手语是聋人不可缺少的交往工具,使学员认识到手语在聋人生活中的重要性和手语翻译的职责。其次要向学员介绍手语的特点、大体结构分类和怎样学习、使用手语等等。教师通过深入浅出的讲解并辅以手语示范,必要时可请聋人现场演示。吃透教学内容,认真写好教案。认真备课是教师上好每一节课的前提。培训班应根据学员的工作需求及已掌握的手语程度将学员分别编班,而教师则应根据本班学员的具体情况和教材,编制教 Remove the sign language mystery, and firmly learn the confidence. Sign language is a visual language, it through the hands of different positions in the transformation, with the facial expressions and gestures convey affection. Some beginners sign language people are often dazzled by the hands of the deaf and dumbfounded, the expressive sign language dazzling, resulting in a sense of mystery and fear. At the beginning of the class, the teacher applied a certain amount of time to the trainees to get rid of the mystery and firmly study the education of confidence. This part of the course mainly talks about deaf people must use sign language instead of vocal language because of hearing impairment. Sign language is an indispensable communication tool for deaf people, so as to make trainees recognize the importance of sign language in deaf life and the duty of sign language translation. Followed by the students to introduce the characteristics of sign language, the general structure of classification and how to learn, the use of sign language and so on. Teachers explain profound theories in simple language and supplemented by sign language demonstrations, if necessary, deaf people may be invited to live demonstrations. Throughout teaching content, carefully write lesson plans. Careful lesson preparation is a prerequisite for each class of teachers. Training courses should be based on the needs of students and has the degree of sign language students will be compiled, and teachers should be based on the specific circumstances of students and teaching materials, the preparation of teaching
<正> 冠状动脉硬化性心脏病是一种比较常见、多发的慢性病,它严重地威胁着中、老年人的身体健康,长期以来缺乏有效的治疗措施。我们遵照毛主席“中国医药学是一个伟大的宝库,