筛豆龟蝽 [Megacopta cribraria (Fabricius)]属龟蝽科,又名豆圆蝽、臭金龟,是余干县豆类主要害虫之一。余干县位于鄱阳湖南岸,常年大豆种植面积 2 900 hm2以上,多年来,筛豆龟蝽发生广,为害重,严重影响豆类产量和品质。自 1984年以来,笔者对筛豆龟蝽形态特征、发生规律
Megacopta cribraria (Fabricius) is a member of the family of legumes, also known as Begonia spp. Yugan County is located on the south bank of Poyang Lake. Its perennial planting area of soybean is more than 2 900 hm2. Over the years, it has become widespread and seriously damaging, which seriously affects the yield and quality of beans. Since 1984, the author of the morphological characteristics of the sieve bean bug, occurs