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  2013年是欧美电视剧的丰收年,各种题材的大型电视剧精彩纷呈。如果你还不知道要看哪些剧集,那么,我们来听听电视评论员David Bianculli对他心目中的十大最佳电视剧的介绍。
  Terry Gross (Host): Our TV critic David Bianculli is here to talk about the year in television. We’ll see what made it onto his 10 best list.
  David Bianculli: Actually, a good year—if for no other reason—than Netflix changed everything again by bringing in “House of Cards” and “Orange is the New Black.” It changed things not only for them and for the Emmys and for the competition, but everybody else started to say, hey, that’s a new way to do stuff. And so in 2014, we’re gonna have other people 1)swinging for the fences and putting money behind quality shows that haven’t been getting on the networks lately and maybe the networks will finally wise up.
  Gross: Well, let’s see how Netflix does in your 10 best of the year list.
  Bianculli: Oh, OK.
  Gross: You want to count us down for 10 to number one?
  Bianculli: Number 10—I’ll go through them quickly—is“Orange is the New Black,” which is from Netflix and was basically a female “Oz,” which was HBO’s first big prison drama, but done really well. Number nine, “Downton Abbey,” on PBS. I think it kept up its quality and was noticed for all the right reasons. Number eight, a new show from Showtime, “Masters of Sex,” which is sort of like the first show since AMC’s “Mad Men” to do a period drama really well, and it’s because of how clear it’s 2)delineating these characters.
  Number seven, “House of Cards,” on Netflix—that’s the Kevin Spacey one that sort of 3)blew Netflix wide open. Number six is “The Walking Dead” on AMC. And I’ll never forget, when I came in here to review “The Walking Dead”and I said, oh no, it’s a zombie show, but it’s good and you guys let me do it anyway.(Laughter)
  Bianculli: It’s like, but no, really. It really is an amazing show. And then number five, “The Colbert Report” on Comedy Central, did too much good stuff this year to not make the list again. Number four, “Justified” on FX, I think had one of its very best years, so well written, so well directed. Number three is “Mad Men,” which didn’t have the best year for me but had the best single moment I think “Mad Men” has had in a long time. Gross: Which was?
  Bianculli: When his daughter came in on him when he was with someone else. I want to be as vague as possible for people who haven’t gotten to it yet. But that was so unexpected and so dramatic and you felt it instantly from the point of view of every character in that arc. I was so impressed by that.   And then number two, a network program, CBS’s“The Good Wife,” which has been fantastic this year, and has sort of done what “Homeland” did its first season which it, by splitting up its law firm and having people that you liked now be 4)adversaries, you had equal weight given to what would be the 5)antagonist and the 6)protagonist and you sort of liked them both. It’s a 7)fascinating year for “Good Wife.”
  And then number one, “Breaking Bad,” which just ended and ended as brilliantly as it began. And I’m so grateful for that series. It’s such a wonderful show.
  Gross: You mentioned the ending of “Breaking Bad.” There’s actually like an alternate ending, like a comic alternate ending. So you want to set it up for us?
  Bianculli: All right. You have to go all the way back to the ending of “Newhart,” which is my favorite TV ending of all time. And it had Bob Newhart waking up in his old bedroom from “The Bob Newhart Show” next to his wife from that show played by Suzanne Pleshette. And he was explaining everything that had happened on “Newhart” as being a 8)bizarre dream, and the more he described it, the more absolutely unreal it sounded. Well, for the end, the alternate ending of “Breaking Bad” they have Bryan Cranston wake up in his bedroom and sleeping next to him is Jane Kaczmarek, who played his wife on “Malcolm in the Middle.”
  And he describes all of “Breaking Bad” as being a bad dream, and brilliantly. Brilliantly. And it reminds you,’cause you’ve forgotten how good a comic actor he is, how ridiculous “Breaking Bad” was out of context, but how 9)superbly it all fits together. It’s a brilliant 10)parody. I thought the real ending of “Breaking Bad” was the best ending possible, but this comes really close. Gross: OK. So this is Bryan Cranston and Jane Kaczmarek.

  (Soundbite of TV show,“Breaking Bad”)
  Bryan Cranston: (as Hal) Wake up. Honey. Honey. Wake up. Wake up.
  Jane Kaczmarek: (as Lois) For the love of 11)Criminy, what is it? What’s the matter?
  Cranston: (as Hal) Oh, I just had the scariest dream.
  Kaczmarek: (as Lois) I told you not to eat those deep-fried Twinkies.
  Cranston: (as Hal) No, you don’t understand. You don’t understand. I was—oh, I was this 12)meth dealer.
  Kaczmarek: (as Lois) What?
  Cranston: (as Hal) Yeah. I was this world class chemist and I cooked and I sold this ultra pure methamphetamine.   Kaczmarek: (as Lois) You cooking anything?
  Cranston: (as Hal) There was a guy who never spoke. He just, he just rang a bell the whole time. And then there was this other guy who was, who was a policeman or a DEA agent and I think it was my brother or something. He looked like the guy from “The Shield.” And then there was this other little guy who was a 13)waif—a man child kid who always looked like he was wearing his older brother’s clothes. And he would always say things like hey—the B word. He would use the B word a lot. He would say, yo, B word. Yeah, science B word.
  Kaczmarek: (as Lois) OK. OK. Calm down, honey. Just calm down. Calm down.
  Cranston: (as Hal) And then there was me and I had a shaved head and a 14)goatee, and I wore a black hat. And the only thing that made sense in the whole dream is I still walked around in my underwear.
  Kaczmarek: (as Lois) If you think this nightmare is gonna keep you from driving the kids to school this morning, you have another thing coming.
  Cranston: (as Hal) Oh, I haven’t told you the scariest part yet.
  Kaczmarek: (as Lois) OK. What? You’ve got two minutes. Cranston: (as Hal) I made bombs and poison and I killed the people.
  Kaczmarek: (as Lois) Oh come on. You could not kill somebody.
  Cranston: (as Hal) I know.
  Kaczmarek: (as Lois) Now, I knew this was gonna happen. You grow a beard and suddenly you think you’re Osama bin Laden. Wasn’t I there to tell you to knock it off? Cranston: (as Hal) No. Some other woman did that. Ooh right, I was married to this tall beautiful blond.
  Kaczmarek: Yeah. Well, keep dreaming, pal.
  Gross: That’s really 15)hysterical.
  Bianculli: Isn’t it brilliant? I know. I know. There are so many good things in there.
  Gross: I think my favorite line is, in talking about Hank on“Breaking Bad”
  Bianculli: Yes.
  Gross: Bryan Cranston says he looked like the guy from“The Shield.”
  Bianculli: Yeah.
  Gross: That’s so hysterical. David, I know you brought with you a scene from one of the programs on your 10 best list and that’s“Masters of Sex.”
  Bianculli: Mm-hmm.
  Gross: What do you want to play from that show?
  Bianculli: Well, the show is essentially about Masters and Johnson and that pioneering sex study. But what fascinates me most about this show are the supporting characters. And so I’ve brought a scene that doesn’t feature either one of the stars, but it features a couple of the supporting stars, Beau Bridges and Allison Janney.   Now both of them are on CBS sitcoms this year—new ones—that aren’t very good but here in this drama they’re wonderful. He plays Masters’s boss at the University Hospital and Allison Janney plays his wife. They’ve been married for 30 years and she discovers, over
  the course of this first season, that he has been unfaithful to her and going to prostitutes. What we know as viewers at the time of this scene, but she does not know, is (that) those prostitutes are male prostitutes. But she’s just confronting him about the initial betrayal. And, you know, in a show that is supposed to be about sex and discovery and awakening, it’s such an interesting layer of 16)subtext and so well acted.

  (Soundbite of TV show, “Masters of Sex”)
  Beau Bridges: (as Barton Scully) We didn’t have 17)drive-ins in our day.
  Allison Janney: (as Margaret Scully) We didn’t need them. We were married when we first slept together.
  Bridges: (as Barton Scully) We were of our time.
  Janney: (as Margaret Scully) That’s not why we waited. I have spent the day racking my brains, pacing, wondering maybe I should light his clothes on fire. Maybe I should drive his car into the pool. Maybe I should tell him all about the man I’ve been seeing. Who, by the way, wanted me in his bed...
  Bridges: (as Barton Scully) Margaret. Margret.
  Janney: (as Margaret Scully) ...though he didn’t love me. I don’t say this to punish you, although, God knows, you deserve to be punished. I mean 18)prostitutes? That is so insulting to me and so far beneath you.
  Bridges: (as Barton Scully) I will never do it again, ever. I swear to you.
  Janney: (as Margaret Scully) Even if you never laid a hand on a 19)hooker again, that wouldn’t change what is so impossible to understand. This morning, when you came in my room, I was practically naked and you didn’t look at my body once. Not once. And yet your face was filled with such love.
  Bridges: (as Barton Scully) Because I love you. You know that.
  Janney: (as Margaret Scully) We didn’t sleep together before we were married because you weren’t interested in sleeping with me, and I excused it away by saying passion is for teenagers and 20)nymphomaniacs. Passion is not what makes a good marriage. This is a perfect, beautiful man who loves me, who doesn’t care that I’m tall and athletic, who doesn’t, doesn’t want me to act stupider than I am. This is a man who understands me.   Bridges: (as Barton Scully) And 30 years later we’re still the best of friends. How many people can say that?
  Janney: (as Margaret Scully) That’s not enough.

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