1 范围 本规程规定了云南文山三七的育苗。 本规程适用于三七的GAP规范化栽培。2 规范性引用文件 下列文件中的条款通过本规程引用而成为本规程的条款。凡注明日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注明日期的引
1 Scope This Regulation stipulates the breeding of Yunnan Wenshan Panax. This procedure applies to the standardized cultivation of Panax notoginseng. 2 Normative references The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this specification, become the terms of this procedure. For dated references, subsequent Amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, this standard is encouraged to reach an agreement on whether to use the latest of these documents version. All do not indicate the date cited