在美国华文报刊的历史上,存续达半个世纪的报纸只有少数几家,其中就包括了被公认为“左派侨报”的《美洲华侨日报》(China Daily News)。这家报纸创刊于1940年7月7日,1989年7月29日出最后一期,前后共49年。纽约《华埠商报》载文把《美洲华侨日报》的历史分为五个阶段,笔者认为是基本上符合实际的,现摘录如下(具体的划分年月略有凋整):①1940—1950年,作为美洲(国)华侨自己的报纸,贡献啦著:它旗帜鲜明地支持盟国反法西斯战争,支持中国人民的抗日战争和解放战争,欢庆新中国的成立。②1950—1962年:在美国麦卡锡主义黑暗势力横行
In the history of the Chinese-language Chinese press, there are only a handful of newspapers that have lasted for half a century, including China Daily News, which is widely recognized as the “Leftist China Newspaper.” The newspaper was first published on July 7, 1940, the last issue on July 29, 1989, for a total of 49 years. New York, “Chinabatch” article of the “American Overseas Chinese Daily News” is divided into five stages of history, I believe that is basically in line with the actual, are excerpts as follows (specific division of the years of a slight correction): ①1940-1950 As an own newspaper of the overseas Chinese in the Americas, it has contributed a great deal of support to the Allied Anti-Fascist War in a clear-cut manner, supported the Chinese people’s war of resistance against Japan and the war of liberation, and celebrated the founding of new China. ② 1950-1962 years: the dark forces of McCarthyism in the United States rampant