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不管是城市范围的综合开发,还是市政基础设施的综合开发、房地产业的综合开发、商业服务网点或园林绿地的综合开发,都是城市这一大系统中的子项,其开发经营都与城市规划息息相关、不可分割。作者从回顾城市规划的变革中,提出综合开发与城市发展有关的五个注意问题:1.一切内容的综合开发活动。要服从城市发展规划总目标开展经营业务,应做到统一规划在前,统一开发在后,而不是前后倒置。2.要三大效益综合评估效益得失,不同时期不同类别权重可以不同,但不能只顾经济效益,只计单方面的投入产出效益,造成矛盾的转嫁和激化。3.修编后的城市总体发展规划,一般更具有不确定意向的灵活特点,开发 Whether it is the comprehensive development of a city range, or the comprehensive development of a municipal infrastructure, the comprehensive development of a real estate industry, the development of a commercial service network, or the development of a garden green space, it is a sub-item in the city’s large-scale system, and its development and management are in harmony with the city. Planning is closely related and inseparable. In reviewing the changes in urban planning, the author proposes five issues of concern for comprehensive development and urban development: 1. Comprehensive development of all content. To obey the overall goals of the city’s development plan to carry out business operations, we must achieve unified planning before the development of unified development in the post, rather than before and after the inversion. 2. It is necessary to comprehensively evaluate the benefits and losses of the three major benefits, and the weights of different categories may be different in different periods. However, it is not possible to consider only the economic benefits, but only the unilateral input-output benefits, resulting in the transfer and intensification of contradictions. 3. The revised urban overall development plan generally has more flexible features with uncertain intentions.
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