拖拉机固定作业时,因为没有法定的安全标准,所以往往忽视了安全因素,而常常导致事故的发生。下面提出拖拉机固定作业时应注意的一些事项,供拖拉机驾驶和操作人员参考。 (1)拖拉机和配套作业机械必须固定牢固,防止位置变动。 (2)固定作业机械的胶带轮、齿轮和其他传动部位,应设防护罩和防护板。 (3)连接胶带时,胶带轮要对正,胶带张紧度要适宜,切勿未切断动力就挂胶带。 (4)在调整、保养和修理机器时,必须
Tractor fixed operations, because there is no statutory safety standards, they often overlook the safety factor, and often lead to accidents. Here are some of the things that should be noted when tractor fixed operation, for the tractor driver and operator reference. (1) tractors and ancillary machinery must be firmly fixed to prevent the position changes. (2) Fixed working machinery tape wheels, gears and other transmission parts should be provided with protective cover and protective plate. (3) When connecting the tape, the tape wheel should be aligned, the tension of the tape should be appropriate, and do not hang the tape without cutting off the power. (4) It is necessary to adjust, maintain and repair the machine