1998年 6、 7月长江中游雨量集中 ,两月总雨量 734 .7mm;1 999年 6月长江中、下游雨量分别为 32 5 .5、 6 36 .2 mm,安庆、上海月雨量均为 1 949年以来同期最高值。南亚高压东北侧存在一高空急流 ,中低层西太平洋副热带高压西北侧为一低空急流 ,两急流轴线间为宽广的近东西向垂直上升运动区 ,并伴有湿舌和涡旋存在 ,构成季风流管。长江流域受季风流管影响 ,产生大到暴雨。
In June and July 1998, the rainfall in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River was concentrated, with a total rainfall of 734.7 mm in two months; in June 1999, the rainfall in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River was respectively 32.5.5 and 6 36.2 mm, while that in Anqing and Shanghai was 1 The same period since 949 the highest value. There is an upper-level jet stream on the northeastern side of the South Asian High, a low-level jet stream on the northwestern side of the western Pacific subtropical high in the middle and lower levels, and a broad vertical up-east-west motion zone between the two rapids axes accompanied by wet tongue and vortexes to form a monsoon flow tube . Affected by the monsoon conduit in the Yangtze River Basin, it produces heavy rainstorms.