制备了功能化聚异丁烯-蒙脱土复合物改性的聚丙烯复合材料。考察了活化剂、加工温度等因素对改性聚丙烯性能的影响。通过扫描电镜观察了蒙脱土在改性聚丙烯中的分散效果。实验结果表明,功能化聚异丁烯-蒙脱土复合物可以较好地分散在聚丙烯中,当其用量为4 wt%、活化剂用量为蒙脱土的1 wt%时,制备的聚异丁烯-蒙脱土/聚丙烯复合材料的模量为2280 MPa、冲击强度为63 J/m,回缩率为0.5%,各项指标均好于未改性的聚丙烯树脂。分散在聚丙烯中的蒙脱土尺寸约为1μm。
Prepared functionalized polyisobutylene - montmorillonite composite modified polypropylene composites. The effects of activator, processing temperature and other factors on the properties of modified polypropylene were investigated. The effect of dispersion of montmorillonite in modified polypropylene was observed by SEM. The experimental results show that the functionalized polyisobutylene-montmorillonite composite can be well dispersed in polypropylene. When the amount of active polyisobutylene-montmorillonite is 4 wt% and the amount of activator is 1 wt% of montmorillonite, the prepared polyisobutylene- The modulus of montmorillonite / polypropylene composite is 2280 MPa, the impact strength is 63 J / m and the shrinkage rate is 0.5%. All the indexes are better than the unmodified polypropylene resin. The montmorillonite dispersed in polypropylene has a size of about 1 μm.