“档案工作默默无闻。档案工作者是无名英雄。”领导常这样说,我们听了也心安理得。本文想发表点不同看法,不知同仁们以为如何? 一、“无名英雄”该不是庸才的别名? 细细品味领导讲的“默默无闻”,似乎是说无声无息地工作,虽然做出了成绩,却未被世人知道,在社会上没有名声。于是在“默默无闻”之后,又吊了个“无名英雄”。琢磨这“无名英雄”的意思,可能是一种安慰话,决没有想下个文件予以认定的意思,只是希望你在这种默默无闻的岗位上继续工作下去。这里
“The file job is obscure and the archivist is an anonymous hero.” The leader said so often, and we listened with peace of mind. This article would like to publish a different point of view, I do not know my colleagues think? First, the “anonymous hero” is not a mediocre alias? Careful taste of the leadership of the “unknown” seems to say that work quietly, although made achievements, It has not been known by the world and has no reputation in society. So “obscurity”, and hung a “nameless hero.” Pondering the meaning of this “nameless hero,” it may be a kind of consolation, and it will never be determined by the next document. I just hope you will continue your work in this obscure post. Here