這裏有兩首歌曲歌詞大致相同,先後發表在上海“新聞日報”的副刊“新園地”和“大衆文娛”上,以及“人民音樂”創刊號上。是那兩首歌曲呢?就是艾青同志作詞的“前進,光榮的朝鲜人民軍!”作曲者一個是馬可同志,另一個就是在“人民音樂”創刊號上發表的左江同志。 華東人民廣播電台爲了配合反對美帝侵略台灣朝鲜運動,將馬可曲的“前進,光榮的朝鮮人民軍”先後在該台
There are two songs about the same song, has published in Shanghai’s “News Daily” supplements “new garden” and “mass entertainment”, as well as “People’s Music,” the first issue of the number. Is that the two songs? Is Ai Qing comrades “progress, glorious Korean People’s Army!” Composer one is Comrade Mark, the other is in the “People’s Music,” the first issue of comrade Zuo Jiang. In order to cooperate with opposing the U.S. imperialism invasion of Taiwan’s North Korea movement, Huadong People’s Broadcasting Station sent Ma Ke song’s “Progressive and Glorious Korean People’s Army” in succession