社会的发展,人类的进步,母婴健康要求的提高,客观上对产科治疗保健服务提出了新的要求。随着医学模式向生理—心理—社会医学模式的转变,产科作为现代医学领域中一门专门学科,其理论系统、功能任务、活动空间、服务范围都在发生重大变化。为了使产科医学模式适应现代医学模式的转变,我们创建了全国首家“产婴教育保健中心”(以下简称“中心”),初步取得了良好的成效。1 做法1.1 建立一支素质精良的医疗护理队伍。中心由2名正副教授、2名正副主任医师、3名主治医师、3名主管护师、12名护士组成,确保孕前准备、孕期保健、
The development of society, the progress of mankind, and the improvement of the maternal and child health requirements have objectively set new requirements for obstetric treatment and health care services. With the transition from medical model to physiological-psychological-social medical model, obstetrics is a specialized discipline in the field of modern medicine. Major changes have taken place in its theoretical system, functional tasks, activity space, and service scope. In order to adapt the obstetrical medicine model to the transformation of modern medical models, we have created the nation’s first “baby-to-child care education and health center” (hereinafter referred to as “the center”), and initially achieved good results. 1 Practice 1.1 Establish a well-qualified medical and nursing team. The center consists of 2 associate professors, 2 deputy chief physicians, 3 attending physicians, 3 chief nurses, and 12 nurses to ensure pre-pregnancy preparation, pregnancy care, and