近日从中国农科院传来信息.由我国首创的有机生态型无土栽培技术获得成功,这项技术被誉为开辟了一条全新的农业新技术,突破了无土栽培必须使用营养液的传统观念。 无土栽培作为高新技术在我国从无到有.有了一定的发展,但都是用营养液来灌溉作物根系的.植物需要的16种元
Recently came a message from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Our country’s first organic eco-soilless cultivation technology has won success. This technology is hailed as a brand-new agricultural new technology, breaking the traditional concept that nutrient-free liquid must be used in soilless culture. Soilless cultivation as a high-tech in our country from scratch. With some development, but all use nutrient solution to irrigate crop roots. 16 kinds of plants need