地处黄泛冲积平原的成武、定陶、菏泽等十几个县市,利用其无霜期长,冬季气候温和等有利条件,开辟了甘蓝、白菜的露地越冬制种新途径。其优点是一成熟期早,为尽早占领种子市场提供了可靠的保证,二是省工省时。其缺点是占地时间较长,制种风险性较大。其制种技术是: 1.选择亲本的最佳播期繁育京丰一号、晚丰一号、夏光甘蓝等中晚熟品种的甘兰,其亲本的最佳播期应选择在8月10日左右;繁育中甘11、中甘12、报春等早熟品种的甘蓝,其亲本最佳播期应选择在8月25日左右,双亲可同期播种。若播种过早,越冬前形成叶球
Located in the Yellow River alluvial plain Chengwu, Dingtao, Heze and other dozens of counties and cities, the use of its frost-free period, the mild climate in winter and other favorable conditions, opened up cabbage, cabbage field open winter new ways of breeding. Its advantage is a mature early, as early as possible to occupy the seed market provides a reliable guarantee, and second, save time and labor. The disadvantage is that a longer time, a greater risk of seed production. The seed production technology is: 1. Select the best sowing date of the parent breeding Kyrgyzstan on the 1st, late abundance, cabbage and other medium-late varieties of sweet orchid, the best sowing date of their parents should be selected in August 10 Day; breeding Zhong Gan 11, Zhong Gan 12, Primrose and other early varieties of cabbage, the best sowing date of their parents should be chosen on August 25 or so, parents can sow the same period. If the sowing too early, before the formation of lobular leaves