应用文跟人们的关系密切,在生活和工作中使用的频率高、范围广,实用性很强。这里谈谈《启事》的教学。 从感性到理性 初一的学生新接触应用文,会觉得不如文艺作品那样生动有趣。如果照本宣科,学生学起来枯燥无味,效果肯定不好。教这课前,我想法调动学生的学习积极性,激发学生的兴趣,先向全班提了个问题:如果有人的小孩丢了,怎么办?课堂马上活跃了。举手要求回答的同学不少,说了很多办法,如告诉警察,请他们帮助;到亲戚朋友家去找;找交通要道登寻人启事;到派出所登记;在电视上寻人等等。我肯定了大家想的办法多,肯动脑子,有主意,急人所急,乐于助人,这种精神好,大家心里很高兴,好像忘了在上课。然后我再问:用
Application of text close with people, in life and work to use high frequency, wide range, practicality. Here to talk about “preaching” teaching. From the perceptual to rational new students first contact with the application of text, will feel as vivid and interesting as the literary and artistic works. If according to this syllabus, students learned dull, the effect is certainly not good. Before I teach this lesson, I thought to mobilize the enthusiasm of students to stimulate students' interest. First, I asked the whole class a question: If someone's child is lost, what should I do? The class is active. Asked a lot of classmates asked for answers, said a lot of ways, such as telling the police, asking them to help; to relatives and friends to find home; looking for traffic enlightenment to find someone to open the notice; to the police station registration; to find people on television and so on. I am sure we think of more ways, willing to mind, have ideas, anxious, helpful, this spirit is good, everyone is very happy, it seems forgotten in class. Then I ask: use