惩治腐败 取信于民——全省又查处一批大案要案

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开展反腐败斗争,要坚持从党员领导干部抓起,从查大案要案入手,这是取信于民的关键。继本刊去年第9期刊登过的案件综述之后,省委省政府和各地党委、政府及纪检、监察机关又陆续查处了一批大案要案。已处理的地级干部主要有:1、省政府副秘书长(原省经委主任、党组书记)王信祥在任职期间,袒护和支持其妻曲岩进行经济违法犯罪活动。其妻曲岩挪用公款倒买倒卖硅铁的60万元贷款被骗后,王信样擅自以省政府副秘书长的身份去山西临汾催要货款。当其妻从事非法经营活动的45万元公款无法归还时,王信祥和曲岩用拳头和权势逼迫借款人在曲岩起草的假联营协议上签字盖章,从而掩盖曲岩挪用公款的事实;他还购买 To carry out the struggle against corruption, we must persist in starting with the leading cadres of the party members and proceed with the investigation of major cases. This is the key to win the trust of the people. Following the publication of the case report of the 9th issue of last year, the provincial party committee and government and the party committees and governments at various localities and the discipline inspection and supervision organs successively investigated and handled a number of major and important cases. The cadres at the prefectural level that have been dealt with are: 1. Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Government (Former Provincial Economic Commission, Party Secretary) Wang Xinxiang protects and supports his wife, Qu Yan, in carrying out economic crimes during his tenure. His wife Quanyan misappropriation of public funds to buy reselling 600,000 yuan of ferrosilicon loans cheated, Wang Xin-style without authorization to the provincial government deputy secretary-general to Shanxi Linfen urge the purchase price. When his wife was engaged in illegal business activities of 450,000 yuan of public funds can not be returned, Wang Xinxiang and Qu Yan fist with the fist and power forced the borrower in the Rock drafting of the Fake Joint Agreement signed and sealed in order to cover the fact that Qu Rock embezzlement; He also bought it
四川读者文建华来信问:听说国务院最近发了通知,对清理有偿集资活动、坚决制止乱集资问题发出通知,请问具体内容有哪些? 文建华同志:国务院通知指出,从现在起,各地区、各部
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1993年7月1 6日,安徽省临泉县法院接到该县迎仙镇李营村村民委员会刘寨村村民小组刘培国等32名农民的投诉,反映临泉县法院迎仙法庭助审员蒋××采取违法手段帮助农行迎仙营
我乡系湖南安化山区一个经济贫困的边远小乡,乡镇企业起步迟,规模小,效益差。在力图走出经济发展低谷之时,却被一条信息误入歧途,上当受骗金额达32万余元。 1991年秋,一封标
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