叙述了用双栅砷化镓场效应管作为宽带、增益可变和输出功率恒定的放大器。一个五级的增益可变输出功率恒定的放大器已经制成,该放大器在4~8 GHz的频带内当输入功率在-45dBm到0 dBm这样一个大的动态范围内变化时,可提供3dBm(±2dBm)的恒定输出功率。为了按照前一级输出信号的强度来予调本级放大器的增益,该放大器采用了正反馈AGC电路。此放大器还具有检测两个或多个不同幅度,时间间隔大于15ns的瞬时射频脉冲的能力。同时还保持了各个脉冲的幅度调制。
Described the use of dual gate gallium arsenide FET as broadband, variable gain and constant output power amplifier. A five-stage constant-gain, variable-gain amplifier has been fabricated that provides 3dBm (± 2dB) input power over a wide dynamic range of -45dBm to 0dBm in the 4 to 8 GHz frequency band 2dBm) constant output power. In order to be in accordance with the intensity of the output signal of the previous stage to adjust the gain of the amplifier, the amplifier uses a positive feedback AGC circuit. The amplifier also has the ability to detect two or more transient RF pulses with different amplitudes greater than 15ns apart. While maintaining the amplitude modulation of each pulse.