Lubrication Property of Magnetorheological Fluid With Nano-Silica Additives Under Magnetic Field

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuwanfu2006
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Magnetorheological(MR)fluid is colloidal suspension and stiffens into semi-solid when subjected to a magnetic field.In order to investigate the effect of magnetic field on lubrication property of MR fluid with nano-silica additives,a pin-on-disc tribometer is used to carry out friction and wear experiment of steel under the magnetic field.The MR fluids with different additive concentrations are prepared and their theological properties are examined via a rotational rheometer.Different lubrication performance of the MR fluid with nano-silica additives with and without magnetic field is presented.In addition,through observing the morphology and analyzing the elemental composition of the worn surfaces,the effects of additives on the lubrication property are investigated. Magnetorheological (MR) fluid is colloidal suspension and stiffens into semi-solid when subjected to a magnetic field. In order to investigate the effect of magnetic field on lubrication property of MR fluid with nano-silica additives, a pin-on-disc tribometer is used to carry out friction and wear experiment of steel under the magnetic field. The MR fluids with different additive concentrations are prepared and their theological properties were examined via a rotational rheometer. Different lubricant performance of the MR fluid with nano-silica additives with and without magnetic field is presented. In addition, through observing the morphology and analyzing the elemental composition of the worn surfaces, the effects of additives on the lubrication property are investigated.
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