G22狙击步枪联邦国防军提出要一支真正的狙击步枪的想法已经有10来年之久。现在,由于联邦国防军已计划承担新的任务,对狙击步枪的要求更有现实性。目前,军方正在对下述两种狙击步枪进行选型试验:“毛瑟”(Mauser)SR93(1993式)和“埃尔玛”(Erma)SRl00,鹿死谁手,尚不清楚。但选定后定名为G22狙击步枪。 SR93狙击步枪的最大特点是采用对称的枪托和比赛用枪管。因为世界上有17%的射手是左撇子,所以SR93的设计采用对称的枪托,左右两侧均可握持。保险机轴左右两侧都有保险杆,因此也可从两侧操作。比赛枪管组件包括枪机、击发装置和发射装置。枪管上有纵向槽,枪口部有制退器。全枪具体结构简述如下: 机匣是容纳自动机系统的核心部件,由整块铬钼钢坯料铣削而成,安装瞄
G22 sniper rifle Federal Defense Forces proposed the idea of a real sniper rifle has been 10 years. Now, the requirements of the sniper rifle are more realistic as the Federal Defense Forces has plans to undertake new tasks. Currently, the military is carrying out a selection test on two types of sniper rifles: the Mauser SR93 (1993) and the Erma SR100, which are still unknown. But after the selected named G22 sniper rifle. SR93 sniper rifle’s most prominent feature is the use of symmetrical butt and match with the barrel. Because 17% of the world’s shooters are left-handed, the SR93’s design uses a symmetrical buttstock that holds both sides. There are bumpers on the left and right sides of the fuse shaft so it can also be operated from both sides. Match barrel assembly includes bolt, firing device and launcher. Longitudinal groove on the barrel, gun muzzle with retarder. A detailed description of the whole gun structure is as follows: The receiver is to accommodate the core components of the automatic machine system, the entire chrome-Molybdenum steel blank milling, installation aiming