新中国第一代远洋轮船长、九十岁的父亲,又一次远航了。只是这一次,走得很远、很远…… 惊涛骇浪显胆略 1930年,他作为第十四届学员,毕业于江苏省立水产学校(今上海水产大学前身),开始了航海生涯。担任过“荣兴”、“顺源”、“信平”。及英籍“圣保罗”、“海伦马勒”等轮的二副、大副。1947年起,在“茂林”、“景兴”、“鼎兴”、“永兴”、“鲁兴”、“铭兴”等轮任船长。解放后,先后在“爱都士”、“建设3号”、“枣庄”、“临城”、“泰山”、“中兴
The new China’s first generation ocean liner, 90-year-old father, voyage again. Only this time, go far, far ... ... stormy sea was bold In 1930, he as a fourteenth session of the students, graduated from the Jiangsu Provincial Fisheries School (now the predecessor of Shanghai Fisheries University), began a sailing career. Served as “Rongxing”, “Shun source”, “Xinping.” And the British “São Paulo”, “Helen Mare” and other rounds of the two, chief mate. Since 1947, he has served as captain in “Maolin”, “Jingxing”, “Dingxing”, “Yongxing”, “Luxing” and “Mingxing”. After the liberation, successively in the “love are”, “construction on the 3rd”, “Zaozhuang”, “Lincheng”, “Taishan”, "ZTE