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苏霍姆林斯基说:“没有情感,没有爱,就没有教育。”小学语文教材选入了大量文质兼美的文章,从不同侧面、不同角度反映了不同时代、不同民族、不同国度的审美情趣、审美要求和审美理念,是最能进行情感传递和情感教育的学科。笔者先后两次执教《海伦·凯勒》一文,深刻体会到学生的情感参与对领悟字里行间的人文内涵有着至关重要的作用。一、咬嚼字词,情为心声【案例一】“小海伦遇到了怎样的不幸?”学生们脱口而出:“双目失 Suhomlinski said: ”There is no emotion, no love, no education.“ ”The primary school Chinese textbooks have been selected into a large number of texts and beautiful articles, from different sides and different perspectives reflecting different ages, different nationalities and different National aesthetic taste, aesthetic requirements and aesthetic ideas, is the best emotional transmission and emotional education subjects. The author has twice coached “Helen Keller,” a text, a profound understanding of the emotional participation of students to comprehend the cultural connotations in the line has a crucial role. First, crunching the words, as the voice [Case 1] “Helen encountered what kind of misfortune? ” Students blurted out: "
近年来,PM2.5成为人们热议的环保高频词。汽车尾气排放对北京的PM2.5数值有很大“贡献”。人们天天呼吸着这样的空气,多不健康啊。怎样才能从源头解决汽车尾气问题?  我想到给汽车“戴口罩”的办法。汽车尾气是从排气管里排出的,只要在排气管口加上过滤、净化装置,就能解决尾气问题。这跟人戴口罩的原理差不多。  通过查阅资料,我了解到,汽车尾气中PM2.5的主要成分是炭黑和氮氧化物。咨询了相关的专家后,