
来源 :中国石油和化工经济分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengyun163
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2009年12月,中国石油和化学工业协会副会长兼秘书长赵俊贵同志等一行三人赴阿联酋、伊朗执行参会考察任务。在伊朗期间,代表团进行了密集的拜访、会谈和参观,先后拜访了伊朗石化总公司、伊朗商会、伊中商会、NIPRC(北伊斯法罕炼油联合体)、APEC(伊朗石油工业工程和建设协会)、SCP、KARIKALA等公司,并在所住饭店接待了KDD集团、阿巴丹石化总厂、Alvares Sanat等企业的来访。在交流中,代表团介绍了中国石油和化学工业的发展现状、中国石化协会在促进中国石油和化学工业发展中的重要作用以及未来两年协会的一些设想等情况,并就扩大两国石油和化工界的交流和合作,促进双方的贸易和相互投资等事宜与伊方进行了友好磋商。此次出访,与伊朗的行业组织和生产、贸易企业广泛接触,了解了伊朗的有关情况,确定了合作伙伴,开拓了合作渠道,为中国石化协会进一步开展对伊工作、促进中伊石化产业的对话交流和贸易投资合作奠定了良好的基础。本刊撷取考察报告中关于伊朗石油和化学工业发展的有关情况,以飨读者。 In December 2009, Comrade Zhao Jungui, vice chairman and secretary general of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association, went to UAE and Iran for the task of participating in the exposition. During his visit to Iran, the delegation made intensive visits, talks and visits. He visited Iran Petrochemical Corporation, Iran Chamber of Commerce, Iran-China Chamber of Commerce, NIPRC (North Isfahan Refinery Consortium), APEC (Iranian Petroleum Industry Engineering and Construction Association), SCP, KARIKALA and other companies, and in the hotel where they hosted the KDD Group, Abadan Petrochemical Plant, Alvares Sanat and other companies to visit. During the exchange, the delegation introduced the development status of China’s oil and chemical industry, the important role of China Petrochemical Association in promoting the development of China’s oil and chemical industry and some ideas from the association in the next two years. In addition, Chemical industry exchanges and cooperation to promote trade and mutual investment between the two sides held friendly consultations with Iran. This visit has extensive contacts with Iran’s trade organizations, manufacturing enterprises and trading enterprises, understanding of the situation in Iran, identifying partners and opening up channels of cooperation for Sinopec’s further work on Iraq and the promotion of Sino-Iranian petrochemical industry Dialogue and trade and investment cooperation has laid a good foundation. This publication captures the inspection report on Iran’s oil and chemical industry development, to readers.
血瘀证是静脉血栓栓塞症(venous thromboembo Iism,VTE)患者常见临床证候,VTE形成机制以血液瘀滞、血管内皮损伤、血凝状态的变化为病理基础,主要表现为血液的高凝状态。本文