针对影响废钙水回用的关键因素-钠盐提出了电渗析处理工艺,考察了不同浓度的NaCl对褐藻酸钠的钙化絮凝和回收率的影响。结果表明,当溶液中NaCl质量分数低于0.2%时不会对褐藻酸钠的钙化絮凝效果及回收率带来不良影响;电渗析可有效脱除废钙水中的盐分,经电渗析工艺处理后电导率低于3 mS/cm的废钙水可作为冲稀水直接回用,对褐藻酸钠生产无不良影响,处理后电导率4 mS/cm的废钙水与自来水进行2:1混合后也可回用。
In view of the key factor affecting the reuse of spent calcium water, sodium salt presents the electrodialysis process, and investigates the effect of different concentrations of NaCl on the calcification and recovery of sodium alginate. The results show that when the mass fraction of NaCl in the solution is less than 0.2%, it will not adversely affect the calcification and recovery of sodium alginate. Electrodialysis can effectively remove the salt in the calcium ionized water. After the electrodialysis process Calcium carbonate water with conductivity less than 3 mS / cm can be directly reused as flush water and has no adverse effect on the production of sodium alginate. After treatment, calcium ion water with conductivity of 4 mS / cm is mixed with tap water for 2: 1 Can be used.