Wind tunnel measurement and pressure measurement experiments were carried out on the simplified model of short-distance coupled duck canard consisting of the main wing with the leading edge of 40 ° leading edge and the canard wing with the leading edge of 40 ° leading edge. The effect of the pulsating air blowing is given as a function of the pulsating pulsation frequency and the relationship between the pulse width and the layout lift. Force measurement results show that the duck wing span inflatable improves the lift of the layout at a high angle of attack and delays the stalling. The results of manometry show that the pulse blowing of canard wings improves the flow pattern of the main wing at mid-high angle of attack, increases the peak value of airfoil suction, and delays the vortex rupture. This shows that the use of canopy wings to the inflatable pulse eddy current technology can directly improve the canard wing flow field, and then indirectly improve the main wing flow field.