创思电子刊物是全国三大电子刊物之一(www.emag4u.com)。创思工作是为了配合本栏目,特意在电子刊物上推出了一个有关蓝牙技术的市场调查。调查内容和结果如下。这在一定程度上反映了蓝芽在中国网民心中的认知度和美誉度。(括号内的数字为网民选择的百分比。)调查基数:520人引文如下: 蓝芽技术起源于1994年,是由爱立信、IBM、Intel、诺基亚和东芝等公司联合主推的一项最新的无线技术协议。作为一种短程无线数据传输标准,蓝芽技术运行在2.4GHz频段上,其跳频带宽79MHz,最高数据传输速度1Mbps,最大传输距离为10米,可以同时实现8台设备的互连通信,1998年5月,上述5家公司组建了
Chuangsi Electronic Publications is one of the top three electronic publications in the country (www.emag4u.com). The creative work is to cooperate with this column and specifically launched a market survey on Bluetooth technology in the e-journal. The contents and results of the survey are as follows. This to a certain extent reflects the recognition and reputation of the blue bud in the hearts of Chinese netizens. (The number in parentheses is the percentage chosen by netizens.) Survey base: 520 citations are as follows: Bluetooth technology originated in 1994 and is a new wireless technology jointly promoted by Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia, and Toshiba. protocol. As a short-range wireless data transmission standard, Bluetooth technology runs on the 2.4GHz frequency band, with a frequency hopping bandwidth of 79MHz, a maximum data transmission speed of 1Mbps, and a maximum transmission distance of 10 meters, which can simultaneously realize the interconnection of 8 devices. 1998 In May of the year, the above five companies were formed.