这个季节的主题仍然是足球,我们的心仍然为足球而剧烈跳动。 这个季节的主题是奥运会足球九强赛,国奥队的每一场比赛甚至每一个场上细节,至今还烙刻在我们的脑海里。和以往的国奥队相比,他们是优是劣?进步了还是退步了?他们在这次小组赛上的表现有哪些可以圈点可以指摘?足以深省的东西还挺多,这些和能否出线有关系,也无关系。 国内足坛的主题是辽宁队,辽宁队也是’99甲A的主题,他们为今年的足坛刮进了缕缕新风。记得年初我们预测今年甲A的排座次时曾说过,辽宁队若闯进六强就算功德圆满,看采我们的
The theme of this season is still football, our heart is still violently beating football. The theme of this season is the Olympic Football Nine, the Olympic team every game or even every detail of the field, still branded in our minds. Compared with the previous Olympic team, they are superior or inferior? Progress or regress? What is their performance in this group stage can be punctuated by points can be accused? Out of line, it does not matter. The theme of the domestic football team in Liaoning, Liaoning team is also a ’99 A theme, they blew into the fresh air for this year’s football. I remember early this year, when we predicted that A row of seats this year had said that if the Liaoning team broke into the semi-finals even if successful, look after us