有人曾把人身和家庭财产保险比作“投之以木瓜,报之以琼瑶”。事实也确实如此。 邹某分别于1988年9月和1992年5月投保了20年期、30年期的简易人身保险各10份,共交纳保险费900元。1994年5月21日,他乘坐的客车出险,造成下肢完全性瘫痪。获得保险赔偿14320元。保险公司免收余下的5100元保险费直至保险期满。保险期满后,邹某还可以从保险公司领到14320元的给付金。 前不久,笔者见到了坐着手摇四轮车的邹某,当谈到保险时他说:“我那次受伤纯属意外,当时我没想到保险公司真能按合同规定及时给予补偿。这一点让我深深感到,保险是实
Someone once compared the insurance of personal and family property to “investment of papaya, reported to Qiong Yao”. that’s the truth. Zoumou insured 10 years of 20-year and 30-year simplified personal insurance respectively in September 1988 and May 1992, paying a total of 900 yuan for premiums. On May 21, 1994, he took a passenger car out of traffic, resulting in complete paralysis of the lower extremities. Get 14,320 yuan insurance compensation. Insurance companies waive the remaining 5100 yuan premium until the expiry of insurance. After the expiration of the insurance, Zoumou also receive 14320 yuan from the insurance company to pay the gold. Not long ago, I saw Zoumou sitting on a four wheel drive and when it came to insurance, he said: "My injury was purely an accident. At that time, I did not expect the insurance company to give compensation in time according to the contract. I deeply feel that insurance is real