
来源 :神州民俗(通俗版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wufato
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抚顺满族剪纸有着200多年的传承历史,具有浓郁的满族文化特色。它以满族萨满文化和满族民俗节日活动为主要表现内容,保存了大量满族民间活态的民俗和丰富的文化,包括满族宗教信仰、民间传说、神话故事、乡风民俗、人生礼俗、花鸟鱼虫等。抚顺满族剪纸是在历史的演变过程中,不断地丰富和发展起来的。心灵手巧的满族民间艺人把见到的、听说的、喜爱的人物、景物等都剪成作品,装饰着幸福美满的生活。满族剪纸始于明代,由于对嬷嬷神的崇拜, Fushun Manchu paper-cut has more than 200 years of heritage history, with rich Manchu culture. It takes Manchu shaman culture and Manchu folk festivals as its main content, preserves a large number of Manchu folk livelihoods and rich culture, including Manchu religious beliefs, folk tales, myths, folk custom, life customs, flowers and birds Insects and so on. Fushun Manchu paper-cut is continuously enriched and developed in the historical evolution. The Manchu folk entertainers, who are clever and clever, cut everything they saw, heard, loved characters and scenery into pieces, adorned with a happy life. Manchu paper-cut began in the Ming Dynasty, due to worship God,
一1月18日上午8点。海口机场。从广州飞来的波音737 3315号航班刚刚着陆,机门开处,陆续走出一群运动服装束的人。男男女女,叽叽喳喳,都是些年轻人,有两个还只是十三、四岁的