这是一片神奇的土地,山青水秀,人杰地灵,汨罗江流光溢彩,共和国50多位将军从这里走出;这又是一片贫瘠的土地,贫困县的帽子至今犹未甩掉,多少人为圆发财梦远走广东、上海……然而,一位来自美丽的铁山水库之滨的小伙子,在这里一干就是15年,就像一支燃烧的红烛,默默照亮老区的一方天空…… 扎根老区终不悔 他叫周浩波,今年34岁。老家在岳阳县。家中上有年近六旬的父
This is a magical land, beautiful mountains, outstanding people, the Miluo River Ambilight, the Republic more than 50 generals out of here; this is again a barren land, the poverty-stricken county’s hat has not yet been thrown away, how many people make a fortune Dream away from Guangdong, Shanghai ...... However, a young man from the beautiful Tieshan Reservoir shore here is a dry fifteen years, like a burning red candle, silently illuminate the sky in the old one ...... The old root district He does not regret calling him Zhou Haobo, 34 years old this year. Hometown in Yueyang County. Nearly sixty years old father in the family