My name is Kong Yanbo.I am from Jiangyin ChangshouExperimental Primary School.我和家人一起来到“冰城”——哈尔滨游玩。 In winter, there is snow and iceeverywhere in Harbin.凛冽的寒风呼呼地刮在脸上,如刀割一般,我止不住地打了一个冷颤。 On Central Str
绘本导读 邮差说,看起来要下雪啦。农夫说,闻起来要下雪啦。就连兔子们也有预感,它们正踏着干枯的落叶堆匆匆赶回温暖的洞穴。孩子们一直抬头观望天空,等待第一片雪花的飘落。谁知,它竟然悄悄地来了!街道白了,房子白了,草地和人行道也白了……第二天,准是晴朗的好天气!孩子们,一起到雪地上来,堆雪人,打雪仗,建造冰雪城堡,尽情地加入这属于冬天的狂欢吧! The postman said it looked
閱读提示 妈妈的生日快到了,Sandy和Joy姐弟俩打算给妈妈送一份特别的礼物。可是,他们绞尽脑汁想了半天,还是没有想出一个好主意。后来,妈妈无意间的一句话给了姐弟俩提示,最后他们给妈妈送了什么礼物呢?Let's read the story. It is the fifteenth of January. It is mom ' s birthday tomorrow. But Sand
Look! I am flying in the sky,screaming and laughing. It is so exciting. Wow! A huge dinosaur is right infront of me! Do you like dinosaurs? Welcome to China Dinosaur Land. It is a perfect paradis
冬天,雪花飘落,大地白茫茫的一片。太阳出来之后,雪融化成了水。融化的水经过一夜之后又结成了冰。其实,我们看到的雪和冰都是水。在自然界中,水是以何种形态存在的呢?我们一起来看看吧! water水 ice冰 snow雪 rain 雨 cloud云 frost霜 知识链接 water可做名词(不可数),意为“水”。例句:There is water in the bottle.瓶子里有水
I love travelling. It helps open my eyes to the world I visit many places of interest. I go to Beijing and climb the Great Wall. It is very long. I take many beautiful photos there. I am very tire
在苍翠的大山里,有一座安宁的小村庄。一天,来了两个饥肠辘辘的旅行者。他们挨家挨户敲门询问,能否分享一点食物给他们,但村民们都砰的一声关上了门,拒绝分享。于是,他们拿出一份神奇的“食谱”,把一块石头放进大锅里,煮起了一锅足够全村人分享的“石头汤”…… 怎么样?你也来尝尝“石頭汤”的美妙滋味吧!
I hope to improve my oral English andhave a good pronunciation.(Amy) I want to have a strong body.l hope tomake pr'ogress in English. ( Jackson) I' m looking forward to visit some placesof interest