Due to the lack of vegetables in the late winter and early spring, the supply of vitamin C is often inadequate. During this period, the armed forces are prone to nutritional deficiency. Sweet potato is rich in vitamin C, winter vitamin C is an excellent source of supply. However, due to improper storage, sweet potato perishable and can not be long-term supply. Some production teams in the suburbs of Jinan use well cellars to store sweet potatoes, which can be stored for the second year with less loss and deterioration. In order to assist the unit to conserve the sweet potato and observe the change of the content of vitamin C in the storage, we conducted a study on the storage method of well cellar with the help of the Municipal Bureau of Grain, and analyzed the change of temperature inside the cellar, the vitamin C content of sweet potato Changes made more than four months of observation, preliminary obtained some materials, summarized as follows.