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体育精神代表了民族精神,具有特殊性与融合性,对推进社会发展和文明进步具有重要的指导意义。中央电视台《城市之间》节目是当下体育与媒介合作的典范,具有电视类型学意义上传统节目的基本样态,同时又融合了体育、娱乐等节目形态,具有极强的跨界性质和变化特征。该节目的内容,在城市文化的基础上将竞技性与游戏性相结合,实现了休闲体育的品牌开发以及体育社会学和媒介经济学的融合发展。 Sportsmanship represents the national spirit, with its particularity and integration, which is of great guiding significance for promoting social development and progress of civilization. CCTV “city-to-city” program is an example of current cooperation between sports and the media. It has the basic pattern of traditional TV programs in the sense of TV typology and at the same time integrates sports and entertainment programs with extremely strong cross-border nature and changes feature. The contents of the program, based on the urban culture will be competitive and gameplay combined to achieve the leisure sports brand development and sports sociology and media economics integration.
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