国家机关事务(含公务接待)工作,是国家机关工作的重要组成部分。新中国国家机关事务工作,是随着共和国建立而建立、共和国发展而发展的。回顾新中国国家机关事务工作的历史,要从北平和平解放谈起。中共中央代表与傅作义将军签订《关于北平和平解放问题的协议》 1949年1月天津解放后,90万中国人民解放军兵临北平城下,孤守北平的傅作义部25万人完全陷入了绝境。在毛泽东主席和中共中央直接指
The work of state organs (including official reception) is an important part of the work of state organs. The work of the new state organs of the People’s Republic of China was established as the Republic was established and the Republic was developed and developed. Recalling the history of the work of new state organs in China, we should talk about the peaceful liberation from Peiping. After the liberation of Tianjin in 1949, the PLA delegate and General Fu Zuoyi signed an agreement on the peaceful liberation of Peiping. After the liberation of Tianjin in 1949 January, 900,000 Chinese People’s Liberation Army came under Beiping, and 250,000 Fu Zuoying units who were stationed in Beiping completely fell into desperation. Directly refers to Chairman Mao Zedong and the CPC Central Committee