紧紧抓住机遇 搞好通联工作 推动施工企业改革向更深层次发展(摘)——中施企协施工企业管理杂志社社长颜承嗣

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党的十四届三中全会的召开和《决定》的公布,标志着我国经济体制改革进入了向社会主义市场经济体制全面转轨的新阶段。今年则是实现改革整体推进,重点突破关键性的一年。为了加快施工企业转换经营机制,建立现代企业制度的步伐,促进施工企业的发展,根据《决定》确定的企业改革的目标和中施企协今年工作安排的要求,现提出1994年通讯联络工作任务的设想。拟做好六项工作: 一、做好总结交流经验,传递改革信息工作,为施工企业转换机制,建立现代企业制度服务。刊讯今年报导重点: The convening of the Third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee and the announcement of the “Decision” signified that China’s economic system reform has entered a new phase of transition to a socialist market economic system. This year is to realize the overall advancement of reforms and focus on breaking through the crucial year. In order to speed up the transformation of operating mechanisms of construction enterprises, establish the pace of modern enterprise systems, and promote the development of construction enterprises, according to the objectives of enterprise reform identified in the “Decision” and the requirements of this year’s work arrangement for the China Enterprise Application Association, we now propose the assumption of communication and communication tasks in 1994. . It is planned to do six tasks: First, it is necessary to sum up the experience of exchanges, pass on reform and information work, and provide services for the conversion mechanism of construction enterprises and the establishment of a modern enterprise system. This year’s report focuses on:
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