
来源 :植物营养与肥料学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Vincent_Jiang
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研究不同磷营养油菜对磷素的反应及其根系形态特征、生理特性等方面的差异,结果表明:磷高效油菜需磷量较小,而在缺磷时吸磷量较大;缺磷时两种油菜品种根冠比增加,且磷高效品种增加幅度大于磷低效品种;缺磷时,磷高效品种具有较长的根系,较大的根体积、根表面积与根活跃吸收表面积,而加磷时,两品种差异不大。油菜缺磷时,磷高效品种磷外渗率小于磷低效品种,加磷时两品种磷外渗率差异不大。缺磷时磷高效品种对磷的亲和力大于磷低效品种,加磷时磷高效品种中磷进入根系的最大净流量小于磷低效品种。 The results showed that phosphorus-content of phosphorus-efficient rapeseed was small, but it was higher in phosphorus-deficiency rapeseed. In the case of phosphorus deficiency, The ratio of root to shoot of rape cultivars increased, and the increasing range of phosphorus efficient cultivars was larger than that of inefficient cultivars of phosphorus. In phosphorus deficiency cultivars, the high efficient cultivars had longer roots, larger root volume, root surface area and active absorption surface area, When the two varieties is not much difference. When phosphorus was deficient in rapeseed, the phosphorus infiltration rate of high-P-efficient cultivars was less than that of low-phosphorus cultivars. Phosphorus-deficient P-efficient varieties had greater affinity for phosphorus than phosphorus-inefficient cultivars, and the maximum net flux of phosphorus into the roots during phosphorus-supplementation was less than that of phosphorus inefficient cultivars.
利用试验证实遗传规划的个体中存在基因内区。它们是冗余的表达式 ,附加在算法树上 ,使个体变得臃肿 ,但对实际的输出结果没有影响。它对进化的收敛既有积极作用 ,也有消极作