In recent years, there have been many reports detailing the side effects of antibiotics, but doctors often have to apply antibiotics to treat such patients. For this reason, some scholars suggest to desensitize patients with allergies. The authors cite 65 cases of anti-allergic treatment of the results, of which 44 cases of allergy to penicillin; 11 cases of tetracyclines allergy; 10 cases of allergy to streptomycin. They used diphenhydramine or calcium or calcium gluconate, ephedrine, novocaine, vitamins and corticosteroids (cortisone, prednisolone) as desensitization preparations. The choice of antihistamine and other agents should take into account the nature of the disease and the nature of the antibiotic used. Diphenhydramine and calcium preparations are available when penicillin and streptomycin are injected; novocaine and ephedrine are available for topical administration; norfloxacin, diphenhydramine or