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今年八月,由中央广播事业局国际广播台、中央电视台、人民画报社几个单位的记者组成中国记者小组,带着中国人民的友好情谊,访问了民主柬埔寨管辖区的前线和后方。在四十多天的访问中,会见了民主柬埔寨政府的领导人,访问了干部、战士和各阶层人民群众,参观了部队营地、居民新村、医院和学校,拍摄了许多有意义的镜头。电视台记者拍摄了一部《为民族生存而战》的电视片,分五个部分,正在陆续播放。这里,是中国新闻工作者在柬访问活动的几幅照片。 In August this year, a group of Chinese journalists composed of reporters from the International Broadcasting Station of the Central Broadcasting Bureau, China Central Television and the People’s Pictorial newspaper visited the front and back of the Democratic Kampuchea jurisdiction with the friendship of the Chinese people. During the 40-day visit, he met with the leaders of the Democratic Kampuchea government and visited cadres, soldiers and people of all walks of life. They visited the army camps, residents’ villages, hospitals and schools and took many meaningful shots. A television reporter filmed a television program “Fighting for the Survival of the Nation”, which is divided into five sections and is being broadcast one after another. Here are a few photos of Chinese journalists visiting Cambodia.
[摘要]目前,我国职业教育的发展已进入模式转型的新阶段,由传统的学历教育模式向就业导向模式转变,这是大力发展中国特色职业教育的必由之路。这一模式要求职业教育与企业之间实现无缝对接,为实现这一目标作者提出了一些针对性的举措。  [关键词]职业教育;无缝对接;教育模式
[摘要]高校开展社会实践活动是新时期团学工作的重点,是全面提高大学生综合素质的途径之一。开展富有成效的社会实践需要从每一个环节入手,克服各阶段存在的问题,准确把握社会实践的理念,使该项活动专业化、规范化,充分发挥大学生社会实践的育人功能。  [关键词]大学生社会实践活动;活动开展;存在问题