人物档案于金明,山东省医学科学院副院长、山东省肿瘤医院院长兼放疗科主任,中国抗癌协会常务理事,中国癌症研究基金会常务理事,中华医学会放射肿瘤学专业委员会副主任委员,山东省抗癌协会副理事长,山东省医学会放射肿瘤专业委员会主任委员,山东大学、天津医科大学博士生导师,东南大学、华中理工大学兼职博士生导师,美国弗吉尼亚大学医学院和哈佛大学医学院名誉教授. 1999年被评为山东省十大杰出留学科技专家;2000年被评为山东省十大中青年科技专家和山东省优秀科技工作者,并被评为人事部特聘专家;2001年荣获全国五一劳动奖章和国务院特殊津贴;2002年获“山东省十佳优秀专业技术人员”称号;2003年获“全国优秀归国留学人员”称号,并当选为山东省劳动模范、第十届全国人大代表;2004年荣获“全国卫生系统先进工作者”称号;2005年被确定为中国工程院院士增选有效候选人.
Character files in Jinming, Shandong Provincial Academy of Medical Sciences, vice president of Shandong Provincial Tumor Hospital Dean and director of Radiation Therapy, China Anti-Cancer Association executive director of China Cancer Research Foundation executive director of the Chinese Medical Association Radiation Oncology Professional Committee vice chairman Shandong Province Cancer Society Radiation Oncology Committee chairman, Shandong University, Tianjin Medical University doctoral tutor, Southeast University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology part-time doctoral tutor, University of Virginia School of Medicine and Harvard University Honorary professor of medical school in 1999 was named Shandong Province ten outstanding study of science and technology experts in 2000 was named Shandong Province ten middle-aged young science and technology experts and outstanding scientists in Shandong Province, and was named Ministry of Personnel Distinguished experts; 2001 Won the National May 1 Labor Medal and the State Council special allowance in 2002 by the “top ten outstanding professional and technical personnel in Shandong Province” title; in 2003 by the “national outstanding returned students” title, and was elected to work in Shandong Province Model, the Tenth NPC; 2004 won the “National Health System advanced worker” title; 2005 was identified as China Cheng co-opted Academy of available candidates.