
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wayyy111
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New generation videoendoscopes potentially may visualize duodenal villi. This study compared endoscopic findings with this type of instrument to the histopathologic evaluation of duodenal villi. A total of 191 patients underwent upper end oscopy for the purpose of obtaining duodenal biopsy specimens. The findings were assessed independently by 3 experienced observers by using a commercially avail able, high-resolution, high-magnifying (×2) videoendoscope. The duodenal villous profile was determined by endoscopic magnification and by endoscopic magnifi cation after filling the duodenum with water. With both endoscopic magnification and endoscopic magnification after filling the duodenum with water, villous pat terns were scored as the following: definitely present, partially present, or de finitely absent. Villous patterns also were histopathologically scored as the fo llowing: normal, partial villous pattern, or total villous atrophy. Interobserver variability was excellent (κ= 0.93). The concordance between either endoscopic magnification or endoscopic magnification after filling the duodenum with water and histology was 100% for presence/absence of villi. The sensitivity, the specificity, and the positive and negative predictive values of endoscopic magnification for detection of any villous abnormality were 95%, 99%, 95%, and 99%, respectively; the respective values of endoscopic magnification after filling the duodenum with water were 95%, 98%, 92%, and 99%. High-resolution magnifying upper endoscopy can reliably predict the presence or the absence of duodenal villi. New study videoendoscopes potentially may visualize duodenal villi. This study compared endoscopic findings with this type of instrument to the histopathologic evaluation of duodenal villi. A total of 191 patients underwent upper upper oscopy for the purpose of obtaining duodenal biopsy specimens. by 3 experienced observers by using a commercially available avail able, high-resolution, high-magnification (× 2) video endoscope. The duodenal villous profile was determined by endoscopic magnification and by endoscopic magnifi cation after filling the duodenum with water. With both endoscopic magnification and endoscopic magnification after filling the duodenum with water, villous pat terns were scored as the following: definitely present, partially present, or de finitely absent. Villous patterns also were histopathologically scored as the fo llowing: normal, partial villous pattern, or total villous atrophy . Interobserver variability was excellent (κ = 0.93) . The concordance between either endoscopic magnification or endoscopic magnification after filling the duodenum with water and histology was 100% for presence / absence of villi. The sensitivity, the specificity, and the positive and negative predictive values ​​of endoscopic magnification for detection of any villous abnormality respectively 95%, 99%, 95%, and 99%, respectively; the respective values ​​of endoscopic magnification after filling the duodenum with water were 95%, 98%, 92%, and 99%. High-resolution magnifying upper endoscopy sure securely predict the presence or the absence of duodenal villi.
Background Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) plays a pivotal role in inflammatory and immune-mediated diseases. However, its molecular function and r
患者男,40岁,未婚.5个月来自觉消瘦明显,纳差,乏力,偶有恶心,反酸,胸骨后烧灼感,服中医汤药后疗效欠佳.查体:面色灰暗,体型消瘦,营养状况较差;口腔至咽部黏膜见大片不均匀白色膜状物,不易擦除,局部充血,颈部及颌下各可触及一大小约1.0 cm×2.0 cm淋巴结,压痛(+),光滑,边界清楚,移动性稍差;腹软,上腹部压痛(+),无反跳痛、肌紧张;躯干及四肢点状色素沉着,双下肢皮肤片状破溃,局部渗出
三、安全性评估 1.不良事件:在 2,200例患者 12个月的治疗过程中,出现一种或一种以上不良事件的患者共364例(17%,共报告561例次不良事件)。不良事件大多为轻度(51%),少数为中
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