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  3. Read this sentence carefully. “I’d like to introduce you to my sister Clara, who lives in Madrid, to Benedict, my brother who doesn’t, and to my only other sibling (兄弟姊妹), Hilary.” Which of the following is correct?
  A. Hilary is male.
  B. Hilary is female.
  C. It’s impossible to know from the context.
  4. Less and fewer often cause people grief. Which of the following is wrong?
  A. There’s less water in the river these days.
  B. I eat fewer than five apples a week.
  C. I drink less than three coffees a day.
  黄召平 整理
  3. A。【讲解】 The absence of a comma before “who doesn’t” implies that there are other brothers. A comma after “my brother” would mean that there was only one brother. [“my brother”和 “who doesn’t” 之间没有用逗号隔开,暗示还有其他的兄弟,“who doesn’t”只是限定修饰其中之一。如果 “my brother” 之后有逗号,说明只有一个兄弟。]
  4. C。【讲解】For “countable” things use fewer. For things that are not “countable”—such as water in the river—use less. [可数名词用“fewer”,不可数名词用“less”。句中“coffees”指的是“几杯咖啡”。]
印制一本精美的招商手册,成本在5~8元左右,加上邮寄等费用,成本大约在8~12元/本。核算下来,印制5000本手册,总成本至少要4万元,这还不包含设计、信息修改(改版)等费用。  这些费用对大企业不算什么,但对规模一般的企业来说,就有些吃力了。而且,一本纸质手册一般仅能影响1~2人。如果想大范围宣传,费用还得增加。  电子书则有效解决了此问题。和纸质手册相比,电子书制作成本低、信息更新快、传播速度