Skyworth 2500 color TV, microprocessor using CTV222S-PRC, single chip small signal processing circuit using TA8659AN, field output circuit AN5521, audio amplifier circuit TA8200AH. Skyworth 2500 and 2939WF color TV switching power supply composed of discrete components. With independent step-down transformer secondary power supply, standby power supply cut off the main AC220V way. Skyworth 2500 and 2939WF color TV, one in the standby control circuit with thyristor protection circuit, external + B high voltage protection and mains voltage is too low to protect the monitoring circuit. Protection of the circuit starts, the on / off control relay release, to achieve the purpose of protection; the second is around the video / scan small signal processing circuit TA8659AN of the corrupt ( “X-ray ” protection side), the development of the design of the “ X-ray ”high protection circuit, protection circuit starts, mining