目的探讨健康儿童心率变异性(HRV)长程时域指标的特点。方法对266例健康儿童HRV24小时长程时域指标(SCL、SDNN、SDNNindex、SDANN、RMSSD、三角指数)进行不同年龄、性别及与成人正常参考值间进行分析比较。结果①儿童不同性别组间HRV差异无显著性;②儿童不同年龄组间虽心动周期(或心率)存在差异,但HRV差异无显著性;③儿童组与成人正常参考值中SDNN、SDANN、RMSSD存在有差异显著性,RMSSD在儿童中明显高于成人组。结论 SDANN、SDNNindex是反映交感神经功能的敏感指标,而RMSSD更能反映迷走神经功能,可见儿童的自主神经功能较成人活跃,而随着年龄的增长即自主神经功能的减退,尤其是迷走神经的紧张性抑制功能明显减退。“,”Objective To study the characteristics of long-term time domain heart rate variability (HRV)in normal children.Methods Long-term HRV (SCL、 SDNN、 SDNNindex、SDANN、RMSSD、Triangular index) were measured and compared with sex and age in 266 normal children and also compared with normal adult reference values. Results ①HRV has no significant difference in children with sex; ②Though heart rate is different with the age in children, HRV has no difference; ③SDNN、SDANN、RMSSD are significantly different between children and adults, especially RMSSD. Conclusion SDANN、 SDNNindex reflect the function of sympathetic nervous while RMSSD reflects parasympathetic nervous function. Our study shows that children have more active autonomic nervous system function than adults.As the age increased, autonomic nervous system function are decreased, especially parasympathetic nervous funtion.