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瑞典电影大师英格玛·伯格曼,是世界现代电影史上最具影响力的导演之一。1947年,他执导的电影《开往印度的船》杀青后,出道不久的伯格曼自以为是,感觉良好,认定这必将是一部不可多得的杰作。他甚至狂妄地说:“不准剪掉其中任何一尺。”并且连试映都没举行,就匆忙地首映。结果让他后悔莫及,拷贝出了重大事故,首映彻底失败。伯格曼借酒浇愁,不省人事,第二天他在一幢公寓的台阶上醒来,看 Ingram Bergman, the Swedish film master, is one of the most influential directors in modern movie history in the world. In 1947, he directed the film “bound for India’s ship” to kill, the debut Bergman self-righteous, feel good, this is sure to be a rare masterpiece. He even said arrogantly: “Not cut off any one of them. ” And even did not hold the audition, he hastily premiered. The result made him regretful, copy a major accident, the premiere failed completely. Bergman drink to worry, unconscious, the next day he woke up on the steps of an apartment, look
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借助多媒体教学能有效地化抽象为具体,把难以理解的内容或对理解课文有重要作用的内容,用多媒体展现出来,通过直观形象、生动的感 With multimedia teaching can effectivel