注重培植优势 促经济上新台阶——扬州市搞好国有大中型企业的调查

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近年来,扬州工业规模经济的迅速崛起令人瞩目,而支撑着这个规模经济的主体是一批国有大中型企业.应该说,在社会主义市场经济新体制下,国有大中型企业充分发挥其在国民经济中的主体作用、带动作用、示范作用是“扬州现象”更深刻的内涵.1994年,占全市工业企业总数2.1%的国有大中型企业,其产值和利税总额分别占全市工业的51.21%和68.19%,而国有大中型企业的亏损面却低于全市工业企业亏损面10个百分点.之所以形成这个局面,追根寻源,我们认为,主要得益于扬州市委、市政府在指导思想上坚持把搞好社会主义市场经济的重点放在搞好国有大中型企业上,工作思路上以把国有大中型企业推向市场为主线,以调整结构、更新机制、优化环境为重点,把培植国有大中型企业在市场竞争中的新优势作为经济工作的重中之重,使扬州市的经济运行质态和效益上了一个新的台阶.调整结构——构造坚强有力的工业经济支撑体系,为国有大中型企业的高速高效发展注入强大的竞争力和爆发力市场竞争就是优势的较量,说到底是产品优势、企业优势、产业 In recent years, the rapid rise of industrial economies in Yangzhou has been remarkable, and the main body supporting this scale of economy is a group of state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises. It should be said that under the new system of the socialist market economy, large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises are fully The main role, leading role, and demonstration role in the national economy are the more profound connotations of the “Yangzhou phenomenon.” In 1994, the state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises that accounted for 2.1% of the total number of industrial enterprises in the city accounted for 51.21% of the city’s total industrial output value, profits, and taxes respectively. With 68.19%, the losses of state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises were lower than the loss level of the industrial enterprises in the city by 10%. The reason for this situation is to find the root cause. We believe that this is mainly due to the guiding ideology of the Yangzhou Municipal Committee and the municipal government. We will continue to focus our efforts on a well-functioning socialist market economy on large- and medium-sized state-owned enterprises. We will focus on upgrading the state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises to the market and focusing on restructuring, updating mechanisms, and optimizing the environment. The new advantages of large and medium-sized enterprises in market competition are the top priorities of economic work, which has brought Yangzhou’s economic performance and efficiency to a higher level. Level restructuring - construction industry strong and effective economic support system for the rapid and efficient development of state-owned enterprises into a strong competitive advantage and explosive market competition is the contest, the final analysis is the product advantages, business advantage, industry
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