“我们的产品LSF(Load Sharing Facility)是一种分布式环境下的虚拟超级计算机系统。怎么样?有点难懂吧?正是基于产品专业性强的特点,我们有一套特殊的市场策略。”11月18日,在Platform公司与行业用户的研讨会上,中国总经理王国华先生兴致勃勃地这样向记者介绍。“可以用四个字概括:纵向、横向。”合纵所谓合纵,就是要在纵向的行业中争取用户。王国华先生介绍说,Platform公司成立于1992年,总部设在加拿大多伦多,在英国、日
“Our product LSF (Load Sharing Facility) is a virtual supercomputer system in a distributed environment. How? Is it a bit difficult to understand? It is based on the characteristics of the product’s professionalism, we have a special set of market strategies.” On November 18th, at the workshop of Platform and industry users, Mr. Wang Guohua, general manager of China, happily introduced the reporter in this way. “You can use four words to sum up: vertical and horizontal.” The vertical and horizontal integration is to win over users in vertical industries. Mr. Wang Guohua said that the company Platform was established in 1992 and is headquartered in Toronto, Canada, in the United Kingdom and Japan.