合成了两种新型季盐型缓蚀杀菌剂 (BHP - 1、BHP - 2 ) ,并用红外光谱对其结构进行解析 .结果表明这类缓蚀杀菌剂能抑制SRB的生长、抑制微生物腐蚀的发展 .失重法和绝迹稀释法对药剂的缓蚀杀菌效果评价结果都证明BHP - 1缓蚀及杀菌效果最佳 ,且BHP - 1和BHP - 2缓蚀杀菌性能均优于工业上广泛应用的新洁尔灭
Two novel quaternary ammonium salt type bacteriostats (BHP - 1, BHP - 2) were synthesized and their structures were analyzed by IR.The results showed that such bactericides could inhibit the growth of SRB and inhibit the microbial corrosion The results of the evaluation of the bactericidal and bactericidal effects of the weightlessness and extinction dilution methods on the corrosion resistance of BHP - 1 showed that the inhibition and sterilization of BHP - 1 were the best, and the bactericidal and anti - bacterial properties of BHP - 1 and BHP - 2 were better than those widely used in the industry Bromozide