On the Controlling Factor of Catalyst Temperature in C_3H_8-Air Mixture

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lucieming
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Catalytic combustion of propane-air mixture was investigated. Platinum catalysts over a flat stainless steel with γ- alumina washcoat were employed. The employed burner has three catalysts set parallel to the mixture flow, spaced at an interval of 5, 10 and 15 mm. Both experiment and numerical simulation were made at inlet temperature of 553 K, inlet velocity of 3 to 7 m/s and equivalence ratio of 0.3 to 0.5. In the numerical simulation, two-dimensional,. steady state model was developed to calculate the temperature and species concentration in gas-phase. In this model, chemical reaction on the catalyst surface and that in the gas phase were assumed to occur in three-steps. The numerical results show good agreement with experimental results. It was found that the properties of the catalyst strongly affect the catalyst surface temperature. Especially, the thermal conductivity of catalysthas a great effect, while the emissivity of catalyst has less effect. Catalytic combustion of propane-air mixture was investigated. Platinum catalysts over a flat stainless steel with γ-alumina washcoat were employed. The employed burner has three catalysts set parallel to the mixture flow, spaced at an interval of 5, 10 and 15 mm. Both experiment and numerical simulation were made at inlet temperature of 553 K, inlet velocity of 3 to 7 m / s and equivalence ratio of 0.3 to 0.5. In the numerical simulation, two-dimensional,. Steady state model was developed to calculate the temperature and species concentration in gas-phase. In this model, chemical reaction on the catalyst surface and that in the gas phase were assumed to occur occur in three-steps. It was found that the properties of the catalyst strongly affects the catalyst surface temperature. Especially, the thermal conductivity of catalysthas a great effect, while the emissivity of catalyst has less effect.
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迅速有效的复苏是抢救新生儿窒息的关键。我院1995年1月~1998年6月采用气管插管法抢救重度窒息儿43例,抢救成功率95-4%,现报道如下。1 临床资料1-1 一般情况 以出生后1minApgar评分0~3分为新生儿重度窒息[1]。1995年1月
癔症的发病率和症状表现随时代和环境的演变而改变,儿童癔症的临床表现与成人不同,多以运动、感觉障碍或躯体症状为主诉。我院1996~1998年共收治4例,现总结如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般情况 年
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