车辆的大幅增加使车辆保险形成了巨大的市场,使得各财产保险公司把目光都投向了车险。据预测,5到10年后,中国市场每年机动车辆的需求量在 400万辆以上,每一个买车的人,在购车的同时都会购买各种相应的保险。这个巨大的市场现时的情况也
The substantial increase of vehicles makes the insurance of vehicles form a huge market, which makes all property insurance companies turn their attention to auto insurance. It is predicted that 5 to 10 years later, the demand for motor vehicles in the Chinese market is more than 4 million vehicles per year. Everyone who buys a car buys various types of insurance while buying a car. The current situation of this huge market also